Past Grand Master
Brother S. Eugene Herritt is a Past Master of Cumberland Valley Lodge Number 315 and served as District Deputy Grand Master for District 3, 2006-2011; as a Representative in Grand Lodge, 1980-2005; and as a member of the Committee on Academy of Masonic Knowledge, 2007-present. He has been a member of the Masonic Village’s Board of Directors, 2011-present; a Trustee of the Masonic Charities Fund and Director of the Masonic Library and Museum. He is a Past Lodge Chairman for the Masonic Culture Committee. Brother Herritt is a member of Harrisburg Consistory and has become an Honorary Member of Supreme Council 33rd degree.

Past Grand Treasurer
Jeffrey W. Coy, Right Worshipful Past Grand Treasurer
Brother Jeffrey W Coy, Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer, was a Past Master and past Trustee of Cumberland Valley Lodge Number 315. He was Entered into Freemasonry on 10/10/1974. Brother Jeff served as Worshipful Master in 1984. He was installed as the R.W. Grand Treasurer on December 27, 2003 and served until 2018. He served as Trustee of the Masonic Charities Fund, Administrator of the Pension Fund, Trustee of the Consolidated Fund, Director of the Library and Museum and as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Masonic Villages. He also has served the Grand Lodge as the Grand Organist for the Central Pennsylvania area. Brother Coy was elected to the state House of Representatives from the 89th Legislative District in 1982, serving 11 terms. When he left the House in 2004, he was named a commissioner on the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, retiring from the board in 2010. Brother Coy has also served on the Shippensburg University Council of Trustees. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Orrstown Bank. Brother Coy participated in Scottish Rite where he received his 33rd degree and served as an Active member of Supreme Council. He received the “Franklin Medal” for outstanding service to Freemasonry from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Brother Coy entered into Eternal Rest on June 4, 2018.

Past Grand Secretary
Thomas W. Jackson, Right Worshipful Past Grand Secretary
Brother Thomas W Jackson was Entered into Freemasonry on 11/8/1963 into Cumberland Valley Lodge Number 315. He was Worshipful Master in 1969. He served as Right Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1999. He received the “Franklin Medal” for outstanding service to Freemasonry from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. He is a Past Most Wise Master of the Harrisburg Chapter of Rose Croix. He became an Honorary Member of Supreme Council 33rd degree in 1980. Brother Tom is a member of many, many other Masonic organizations locally, nationally and worldwide. He has been honored as an author and keynote speaker at Masonic events the world over. Brother Jackson entered into Eternal Rest on December 30, 2021.
Worshipful Master John R Ridgeway
Senior Warden Todd W West, PM
Junior Warden Kevin S Angle
Senior Deacon Larry D Stine Jr
Junior Deacon Mahmood MJ Saad
Senior Master of Ceremonies Herbert D Kurtz
Junior Master of Ceremonies Tristan L Rubendall
Persuivant Vacant
Secretary William L Britton, PM
Treasurer Thomas P Kennedy, PM
Chaplin Ronald P Madion PM
Tyler Jeffrey L Traini
Grand Lodge Representative
R Clem Malot, PM
Richard Kline, PM
Bryan L Ruth, PM
Web/Technical: Barry A Martz, PM
From the desk of the Worshipful Master:
"No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care - Theodore Roosevelt"
R Clem Malot, PM